POSTIR SRL has been operating in the sheet metal processing sector since 1966
Its products are used in various sectors including: textile machinery, air treatment machinery, tool machinery, electric control panels, furnishings, shipbuilding, railways and food.
Its heritage of experience acquired through rewarded sacrifice, logical propensity for customer satisfaction, continuous professional updating for personnel and carefully selected equipment, enable the company, today, to compete with leading producers in the third party structural metal work sector.

Postir’s flexibility allows it to carry out work on demand in any industrial area. The wealth of experience acquired through continual sacrifice, the pleasant propensity for customer satisfaction, constant professional updating of the workforce and a careful choice of equipment, allow Postir to be chosen today by the most important manufacturing companies that require carpentry for third parties. The production process starts with technical consultancy and engineering know-how for the design aimed at perfecting and constructing the product, and ends with the execution of samples and painted lots with “just in time” deliveries.
Our company is able to start from the technical project and to end with the delivery of the finished product.